Tuesday 17 January 2012

Balancing For Dummies


well now that we have that out of our system....

We are officially ready to reveiw our topic from last class! Phew so happy I actually completely understand balancing haha.
So here's an example of a synthesis reaction:

C2 + O2  -->  CO2

now wait a second... how is it possible that you started off with 2 carbon atoms and 2 oxygen atoms and you ended up with 1 carbon and 2 oxygen? did that other carbon just magically disappear?

Nah bro.  It's still there.
The equation showed above was a skeleton equation.  That is, it was unbalanced.  So you're new life purpose is to balance that equation. 

The way I find easiest to keep track of how many atoms of each element are on each side of the equation is called taking "attendance." 

C2 + O2                   -->               CO2
atoms of C: 2                               atoms of C: 1
atoms of O: 2                               atoms of O: 2

So as you can see, there needs to be another carbon on the right side of this equation.

C2 + O2                -->                  2CO2
atoms of C: 2                               atoms of C: 1   2
atoms of O: 2                              atoms of O: 2   4

But now there are more oxygen on the right side than the left... Now we gotta go back and adjust the amount of oxygen on the left side so there's an equal amount.

C2    +    2O                -->             2CO2
atoms of C: 2                            atoms of C: 1 2
atoms of O: 2 4                         atoms of O: 2 4

Now wouldja look at that! There are 2 atoms of carbon on each side, and 4 atoms of oxygen per side!! But we are not done yet...

Don't forget to put 1 in as the coefficient if there is no other number there, just for clarity.  Otherwise Ms Chen might think you just didn't finish the question or something.

1C2     +   2O2            -->               2CO2
atoms of C: 2                           atoms of C: 1 2
atoms of O: 2 4                        atoms of O: 2 4

Et Voila!! How magical is that?!

I once tried taking a nap with my textbook  under my pillow.  Apparently that cat and I think similarly.

Until we meet again...          *tips imaginary hat*

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