Tuesday 10 April 2012

Ms Chen the pyromaniac

^That was pretty much Ms Chen last class...

Yes... that would be us.

Hahahaha it was a fun class. Ms Chen basically set a bunch of elements mixed with methanol into flames and each turned into a different color. It was pretty cool.


So on a slightly less exciting note, class continued with us viewing light throught spectroscopes.  We then drew out the line spectra shown in our magical little device.  I dunno about you guys, but I seemed to have some trouble viewing the actual spectral lines.  Maybe I needed to get a little closer, but I was rather frustrated that I could SORTA see the lines in the spectroscope, but the were in my peripheral vision so I couldn't QUITEEE get a proper glimpse.  Angry face.

...You know you were all thinking of Ms. Lehmann while filling out that worksheet... ;)

I was definately humming under my breath while working.
So the important thing from the worksheet - remember good ol ROY G BIV?
Well that little thingymabob will help you remember the order of wavelengths in the visible spectrum. 
Red waves have the shortest wavelengths and lowest frequency because they are very low energy.
Violet waves, on the other hand, have very short, frequent waves, which indicates high energy.

So that's about it... I'm pretty sure.

See ya later, alligator :)

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