Saturday 19 November 2011


What can i say? its just that good.


So, what if you have this mole.

And you, being the nosy person you are, want to know how much it weighs.
So you put it on this scale.  (After you kick the sheep off, of course!)

So then you got the mole's weight in grams!! Yay!
...But wait. Teachers aren't that nice.  So picky picky, they want the weight in moles!! How ever will you do that?!?!

Well, with a handy-dandy calculator and the supreme knowldege of the mole conversion chart, you should be just fine.

Since I'm technologically challenged, this chart isn't very pretty.  Boo hoo.

Grams to moles: x (1mol / grams)
Moles  to grams: x (grams / 1 mol)

Moles to Formula Units: x (6.022x(10 to the 23rd) / 1 mol )   [hahaha my intimite knowlegde of blogger is clearly displayed here]
Formula Units to Mole: x(1 mol / 6.022x(10 to the 23rd))

F.U. (hah...) to atoms: x (#of atoms / 1 molecule)
atoms to F.U.: x (1 molecule / # of atoms)

*molar unit is g/mol
*label all your conversions incase you forget what you're doing and don't want to start ALLLL OVEERRR AGAAAAIIINNN

Memorising that chart would probably be helpful.  My advice would be to draw that chart at the top of the test paper, and refer to that throughout the test to avoid that awkward moment when you begin to doubt yourself and then you change all your answers and then get everything WRONNNGGG. Not that that has ever happened to mee... anyways if you have that memorised the conversions are pretty basic.

here are some examples for your pleasure...

convert 5.0g of carbon to moles.
                mass of carbon (according to periodic table) = 12.0
                5.0g C x (1/12) = .416666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
                and there were 2 sigfigs in the question... so your answer would be .42mol
easy peasy shampoo squeezy

lets try the other way:
20.0mol nitrogen to formula units
                              20.0g N x (6.022 x (10 to the 23rd)) = 1.20 x 10 to the 25th

if not, ask someone else.

funneh kitteh.
no, not morbid at all.


ha just kidding its heather. im just dying to finish this blog so i can watch pretty little liars hahahaha

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