Tuesday 22 November 2011


Are you overwhelmed with moles yet? Maybe this might brighten your day..
One day on the Tonight Show, Jay Leno showed a classified ad that read: "Do you have mole problems? If so, call Avogrado at 602-1023!" ha-ha! get it? 6.02x10²³ :p

Back to business..

Here's a mole map.. treat it as your BEST FRIEND!! (very helpful)

Today we learned how to do two-step conversions! Fun eh?
How would you convert particles to grams? Let's refer to the mole map!

you would have to go from particles → moles → grams

Eg. What's the mass of 4.35 x 10²¹ atoms of Au (Gold)?

4.35 x 
10²¹atoms  x  1mol/6.022x10²³atoms  x  197.0g/1mol = 1.42g  of Au

** Make sure that you find the formula/molecular mass beforehand if it's a compound or it has more than one atom**

How would you convert grams to particles? Let's refer to the mole map! (again)
this time, you'd have to go from grams → moles → particles (opposite as the first!)

Eg. How many atoms of Au (Gold) are there in 5.72g of Au?

5.72g  x  1mol
/197.0g  x  6.022x10²³atoms/1mol = 1.75 x 10²² atoms of Au

Here's some extra practice for you!
1) What's the mass of 7.7 x 10
²² atoms of Carbon?
2) How many formula units of potassium sulphide are there in 20.1g of potassium sulphide?

3) What would be the mass of 6.32 x 10²¹ molecules of 
4) How many molecules of BF3 are there 3.3g of boron trifluoride?


1) 1.5g
2) 1.10x10
²³ f.u

3) 1.72g
4) 2.9x
² molecules

And voila! You're an expert in mole conversions! (What a relief!) ;)

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