Monday 7 November 2011


Our lab today was determining aluminum foil thickness.

The objectives for this lab was:
  • to calculate the thickness of a sheet of aluminum foil and express the answer in the terms of scientific notation and significant figures.
All supplies that were used were 3 sheets of aluminum foil, 15cm by 15cm large, a metric ruler, and a centigram balance.

The steps to doing this lab correctly is very simple.
  1. Take the sheets of aluminum foil and number them 1,2 and 3.
  2. Use the metric ruler and measure the length and width of each sheet.
  3. Then use the centigram balance to find out the mass of each sheet.
    *always use significant digits!*
Your table should have these labels: Sheet; Length(cm); Width(cm); Mass(g), and te numbers 1,2,3, for the aluminum foil.

To calculate for thickness, use the following formulas:
Volume = Length x Width x Height
Volume = Mass/Density

  • Take your information for sheet #1: length-17.11cm; width-17.91cm; mass-1.27g
  • With the given density, find out the volume with the formula highlighted blue with green font.
  • Then with the volume you just calculated, plug it into the formula in above in pink!
  • After all calculations are done, voila! You have your height aka thickness.

To find the experimental error, here is another colorful the formula:
Experimental Error = |(your average thickness) - (given average thickness)| / (given thickness)

hope this helped guys:)

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